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Ghana Research Event and Report

On July 28, the Ghana Students’ Union of Japan held a special event showcasing the research projects by various Ghanaians studying in Japan.

Due to the unfortunate weather, some students were unable to participate, however those that did present their projects certainly left an impression.

The projects ranged from research on the virus HIV and its method of replication, to the science behind toxicity in natural herbs and their effect on agriculture as well as the impact of coast erosion on housing.

GJFA was then asked to give a presentation to the students and members of the Ambassador’s party. The presentation itself was met with a surprising number of questions by students including what challenges we faced when straddling the cultures of Ghana and Japan.

The questions themselves gave us sharp insight that students in Ghana also have a keen interest in finding an edge for themselves when entering the workforce.

We look forward to the next event with the Ghana Students’ Union.

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