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What we do

Purpose of our activities

Our aim is to propel relations between Japan and the Republic of Ghana to new heights by

  1. Creating and improving informational material on the Republic of Ghana,
    conducting surveys, research and bringing the right people together.
  2. Promote the economic and technological cooperation between the Republic of Ghana and Japan
  3. Change perception of Ghana and promote tourism
  4. Create a better, more inspiring web presence
  5. Plan and manage key events
  6. Create competitive human resources through advanced training programs


GIPC Investment Center
Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)
Ministry of Youth And Sports
Ministry of Youth And Sports
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Communications

We want to change how the Republic of Ghana is perceived. The best way to change perception is to have the people of Ghana tell us their stories from the ground. So we employed young, professional writers to provide original articles that will shatter the image of how Japan sees Ghana – raising awareness and creating interest.

Real Experience for Better Personnel

University of Ghana
University of Ghana
Ghana Technology University College
Ghana Technology University College

What if the best and brightest from Ghana could experience what they can learn in a nation fueled by technological excellence? GJFA will fully support bringing students to experience what it is like to be involved in real business in Japan’s IT field, while receiving an edge in better programming skills. After returning home, they have the chance to act as a bridge between Ghana and Japan, working with Japan’s leading companies to create and develop entire platforms.


As we change people’s perception, we are confident there will be those who will want to visit Ghana and experience what it has to offer. Content designed to show that Ghana’s major cities are safe, and more important fun, will be strategically delivered across the internet as we simultaneously organize and advertise travel packages aimed at those people that would have an interest in investing in all of what Ghana has to offer.



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